Thousand Oaks, CA– At its regularly scheduled City Council meeting on June 20, the City of Thousand Oaks’ City Council selected focus maps and provided direction to the City’s professional demographer to create adjusted maps for consideration at the fourth public hearing on July 11.

The City’s professional demographer, National Demographics Corporation, presented the first publication of draft maps submitted by the public and created by the demographer. Council chose public map 104 and modified versions of maps 106 and 111 as the focus maps to consider in continuation of the district formation process. Maps 104, 106B and 111B can be viewed on the City’s districting website at

Council also reviewed public comments and received an update from the City’s outreach consultants on outreach completed thus far. 

To collect public feedback on draft maps, the City hosted two more community workshops on June 22 and June 24. Participants were able to review the draft maps, ask the City’s demographer questions and share input on map elements they agreed or disagreed with.

The next public hearing will be during the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 11 at 6 p.m. The City Council will be discussing the focus maps and any additional maps submitted by the public by June 27. Once a preferred map and sequence of elections are selected, the City Council will adopt the final map and introduce the ordinance. The second reading of the ordinance is scheduled to take place at the following City Council meeting on July 18.

Community members can submit feedback on focus maps and other public comments via email to