THOUSAND OAKS, Calif., May 23, 2023-The City of Thousand Oaks is in the midst of moving from at-large City Council elections to district elections. Currently, registered voters vote for all five City Councilmembers. With a switch to district elections, residents will vote for one City Councilmember to represent the district they live in.Tools to draw a district map

Thousand Oaks residents have the opportunity to share their input on where the district lines should be drawn. The City is offering paper and digital mapping tools that include demographic breakdowns based on the Census data. This allows residents to gain insights about Thousand Oaks and draw their own district maps for consideration. The following tools are now available on the City’s districting website:

  • Paper maps with population counts that can be printed, drawn on, and submitted to the City via email at Maps can also be dropped off at or mailed to 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
  • An online application called Dave’s Redistricting App (DRA), which enables residents to create, view, analyze and share district maps with other community members.
  • An interactive review map, similar to Google maps, where residents can explore population numbers and other statistics, as well as view and analyze draft maps once they are available.

Residents can access and provide detailed feedback at their convenience. Community members can submit as many maps as they would like throughout the district formation process.All maps compliant with districting criteria will be processed by the City’s professional demographer, posted to the Draft Maps page and presented to City Council at a public hearing. Community members can also get involved in the process by completing the online Community of Interest Survey through the City’s districting website. The list of neighborhoods and communities of interest submitted by the public will be heavily considered in creating proposed voting districts.

Residents are encouraged to attend the upcoming public meetings to learn more about the process and share their input. Notable dates in the continuation of the district formation process are as follows:

June 3, 2023 at 10 a.m. – Community workshop at Conejo Community Center, 1175 Hendrix Ave.
June 6, 2023 – First deadline to submit maps for consideration at the third public hearing
June 20, 2023 at 6 p.m. – Third public hearing to review draft maps that were submitted by June 6

All meeting materials, including public comments and meeting recordings, will be posted on